Letter V Lessons

Literacy Center Ideas:

  • Letter V mini-book (included)
  • Letter V worksheets (included)
  • Letter V Lesson Plan/Activity pages (included)
  • Vet Dramatic Play Worksheets
  • True Story Writing Prompt (included)
  • Spot and Dot the letter V

All of the activities included above can be bought in our store/(You may use your account funds to pay for these lessons!)

Story Time Ideas:

  • Read I want to be a vet. Set up a dramatic play area and pretend to be a vet.  (Vet Dramatic Play worksheets included)
  • Read My Mouth is a volcano and talk about what that means. Make a volcano using baking soda and vinegar and make it fun!

Writing Center Ideas:

  • This week work on writing true stories… Think about what happened. Then work on who, what happened, and where. Have the students use speech bubbles in their pictures.  Do the true story writing prompt (included)

Other Ideas:

  • Make a vase out of clay or playdough…or construction paper (in the shape of a v- put flowers in a v.
  • Make a volcano with baking soda and vinegar (the kids love this!)
  • Make a list of letter V words with the kids
  • Have a veterinarian visit the class.  He/she can talk about helping animals/healing them from viruses or, giving them vaccines!
  • Learn about Vincent Van Gogh – learn about Starry Night, for instance.  Then, try and recreate his works!