Letter P Lessons
Literacy Center Ideas:
- Letter P Beginning Sound Worksheets (included)
- Letter P mini-books (included)
- 3 Little Pigs Reading Comprehension (included)
- Write Your Own 3 Little Pig Story (included)
- Pancake/Pancake Sequencing Activity (included)
- Spin a Sight Word Game (included)
- Give a Pig a Pancake Activity Set
- Pete the Cat Sequencing Activity
- Seed Estimation Work (included)
- Do Pancake/Pancake sequencing Activity (Included)
All of the activities included above can be bought in our store/(You may use your account funds to pay for these lessons!)
Story Time Ideas:
- Compare/Contrast the 3 Little Pig Books
- Talk about Story Sequencing with the Pancake/Pancake book, or the picking out a pumpkin book, or growing a pumpkin from seed to plant
- Talk about the Main Idea of the story.
Writing Center Ideas:
- Fall Writing Prompts (included)
- Write your own 3 Little Pig Story (included)
- Continue working on drawing/labeling/stretching out words when writing!
- Do the Picking out a pumpkin writing prompt (included)
Other Ideas:
- From Seed to Pumpkin Sequencing activity (included)
- Introduce Estimating with pumpkin seed book