Letter Z Lessons

Literacy Center Ideas:

  • Letter Z mini-book (included)
  • Letter Z worksheets (included)
  • Letter Z lesson plan activity pack (included)
  • Put me in the zoo activity worksheets (included)
  • At the zoo, I see mini-books (included)
  • Zoo preposition worksheets/activities (included)
  • Spot and Dot the letter Z

All of the activities included above can be bought in our store/(You may use your account funds to pay for these lessons!)

Story Time Ideas:

  • Read the book If I Ran the zoo, then have the students make their own animals and write a writing prompt about the animal that they made. What does it look like?  What does it eat?  Where does it live?
  • Read the View at the Zoo and do the “At the zoo, I see” mini-books (included). Have the students make their own books.

Writing Center Ideas:

  • After reading If I ran the zoo, you could do a writing prompt trying to convince someone that they want their animal as a pet. You could also do a writing prompt describing your animal..what does it look like? What does it eat? Where does it live?

Other Ideas:

  • Talk about prepositions. Do the zoo preposition worksheets (included)…
  • When talking about prepositions, Play Simon Says at their desks… Simon says go under…  next to… in front of… etc.  The students can pretend they are zoo animals.
  • Make a list of letter Z words together



number strips. Once they copied the numbers, they were asked to write them on their own

without help. Tricky, but a lot of our friends could do it!