Letter W Craft: Whale

When it comes to learning the letter W, the whale is the first animal that comes to mind for the letter W Craft. Whales are tons of fun for kids, as they are the largest mammal in the world. While you are learning about the letter W, you can talk about things that start with W, or talk about special whale characteristics that only whales have. This craft is suitable for use in both the preschool and kindergarten classroom as it has few pieces and is mostly coloring for the kids, even though it’s super adorable!

When it comes to learning the letter W, the whale is the first animal that comes to mind for the letter W Craft. Whales are tons of fun.

Rosie's WalkRosie’s WalkDiary of a WormDiary of a WormI Went WalkingI Went WalkingMrs. Wishy-WashyMrs. Wishy-WashyThe WorrywartsThe Worrywarts

Letter W Craft: Whale Craft

What you’ll need to make the W is for whale craft for each kid:

  • 1 paper plate
  • Markers
  • Blue pipe cleaners
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • 1 googly eye

When it comes to learning the letter W, the whale is the first animal that comes to mind for the letter W Craft. Whales are tons of fun.

W is for Whale Craft Directions

  1. Draw the outline of a whale’s body onto the paper plate and cut out. Kids can do this if they are old enough, or you can do it for them if they are younger.
  2. Color in the whale with markers.
  3. Add a smile and a googly eye to the whale’s face.
  4. Twist two sections of pipe cleaners into a sort of W shape to look like the spray of the whale from the blow hole.
  5. Glue the water to the back of the whale.

While the kids are coloring their whales, ask them to think of other things that start with the letter W. Maybe some of them have names that start with W, or there are things in the room that start with W as well. Create a list and display it on the wall.

Kids will love this fun whale activity and you can display the artwork at school or allow the children to take their whales home with them.

The craft is easy and should only take about 20 minutes from start to finish

Today I have a whole bunch of Free Letter W Beginning Worksheets!  There are handwriting pages cut and paste activities and more.  To get your free Beginning Letter Sound Worksheets, enter in your email and they will be sent to you.  You will also be added to our mailing list where you will find out about more fun things, like freebies. If you have any trouble getting your worksheets, please email me at [email protected] and let me know you are having trouble with your W Beginning Letter Sound Worksheets.inning Letter Sound Worksheets.

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Madreen Karle and Meeghan Karle Mousaw
Madreen Karle is a master first grade reading teacher with over 30 years of classroom experience. She taught reading in a special needs and English as a Second Language classroom. After retiring she wrote a reading program to help others learn how to teach reading. She is a trusted educator and author of 5 books to help teach children to read and write. In addition to her books, she is a mentor for 3 websites that give reading teacher tips (Mrs. Karle's Sight and Sound Reading, Mrs. Karle's Reading Patch, and Mrs. Karle's Handwriting Patch). Through her teaching she learned that confidence was the key to learning to read. A child who is not confident at reading does not like to read and struggles to read. Mrs. Karle created "sunshine moments" to help teach children how to grow their confidence and learn to read.

Meeghan Karle Mousaw (Madreen’s daughter) has her Master’s in Special Education. She has 7 years experience teaching children to read online. In addition, she developed a curriculum to teach children handwriting called The Handwriting Patch. With the Handwriting Patch learning is fun because children learn to draw and learn handwriting at the same time. In 2019 The Handwriting Patch curriculum became an amazon best seller the first year it was released, helping thousands of kids learn handwriting with a unique, fun method. She is mom to 6 kids, each with differently learning abilities and struggles.

The Reading Patch was established by the creators of Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading. Together they have been featured on the NBC media outlets. Over the last 7 years in their online platform, Madreen and Meeghan have worked tirelessly with teachers, homeschoolers and parents looking to help children learn to read to become a trusted authority in teaching children to read and advocating early literacy skills. They often partner with other educational experts to deliver the most current information to the Reading Patch community.