Letter T Lessons
Literacy Center Ideas:
- Letter T Mini-book (included)
- Letter T beginning sound worksheets (included)
- Wiki Stick letters
- Paint a fall tree
- Make toothpick letters
- Teddy bear picnic pretend play (See information below)
- Make a Teddy Bear (included)
- Teddy Bear Picnic Color by Letter/Sight Word (included)
- Teddy Bear Picnic Coloring Pages
- Spot and Dot the letter T
All of the activities included above can be bought in our store/(You may use your account funds to pay for these lessons!)
Story Time Ideas:
- Play Telephone! (Have the students sit in a circle. Whisper something/a list of things in the first student’s ear. Have that student whisper what you said in their neighbor’s ear. Have it go all around the circle and see if the sentence or list stayed the same when the last student hears it.
- Comprehension concept: Classifying and Categorizing.
- Also, Compare and Contrast the Seasons –Talk about how each season is different. How do you know the differences? What animals are different? How is it different in TREE.
- Continue working on drawing detailed pictures with adding labels.
Writing Center Ideas:
- Teddy Bear Writing Prompt (included) – Students can draw pictures and label them!
Other Ideas:
- Discuss being a good sport and playing nicely.
- Make a turtle craft
- Make a mouth full of teeth! Use mini marshmallows and glue them into a mouth!